Marina Port Esportiu Portals Vells in Sol de Mallorca Spain | Book this marina on SeasyMarina Port Esportiu Portals Vells in Sol de Mallorca Spain | Book this marina on Seasy
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Marina Port Esportiu Portals Vells

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Berths available:61
Type of berthing:Mooring Line
Max draft:-
Max length (LOA):-

Marina Port Esportiu Portals Vells is an idyllic marina located in the beautiful city of Palma de Mallorca. This marina is a perfect place for visitors to explore the clear waters of the Mediterranean Sea. The 61 berths of Marina Port Esportiu Portals Vells are well equipped and provide a safe harbor for sailors and boaters. Surrounding the marina is a stunning landscape of olive trees and lush vegetation that create a perfect backdrop for a fun day on the seas. There are also many restaurants and bars nearby that offer a variety of Mediterranean cuisine. Visitors to Marina Port Esportiu Portals Vells should also take the time to explore the nearby points of interest and sights. This includes the historic Catedral de Mallorca, which is a major landmark in the city, as well as the renowned Bellver Castle, which is just a few kilometers away. Also nearby is the picturesque town of Sóller, which is known for its beautiful harbor views, as well as its excellent shopping, dining, and entertainment options.


Marina Insights

Marina Traffic

Marina Port Esportiu Portals Vells is not busy at the moment.

Last updated 387 days ago.

Amenities at Marina Port Esportiu Portals Vells

AmenityLiftBoat-iconBoat lift

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Frequently asked questions
According to our data, Marina Port Esportiu Portals Vells is not busy at the moment. This can change depending on the time of day.
Marina Port Esportiu Portals Vells isn't part of Seasy. You can view the contact details of the marina after sign-in.

Price upon request